Saturday, December 18, 2010

Random December

It has SNOWED.

The big little has finally stopped calling snow "Bubbles" and is embracing his Canadian roots, we can now hold our heads up high again.

The view off our deck.

Poor summer toys, until the spring good buddies!

Stayin' busy INSIDE with crafts, oh yeah, and playing airplane of course.

Our attempt at an advent calendar.  Logan cut all the paper AND used tape.  Took a long while...

"Lotsa rings Mama!"

We made a SNOWMAN too!  How many crafts can I come up with using the 100 pack of white paper plates left over from a BBQ this summer, you just wait and see!  Teehee!

The big little is back into playing "baby" and "family".  Here he is reading to his favorite teddy bear, who used to be called "Eli" but now goes by "Mama Bear".  Can you tell who is #1 right now?  Yup, me, I'll take it.  Note the orange "Dada Fish" behind him and a smushed "Baby" in the corner.  A bear, a fish and a baby CAN be a family.  We have a lot to learn from our littles.

The big little took this picture of us during his "family story time".  Not bad aim.

Our dinner that night was an off the cuff stir fry.  Peppers, bean sprouts, mushrooms, and chicken all over rice.  The sauce was mostly soy sauce and some minced garlic.  So good.  To get the chicken restaurant crispy, dredge it in some cornstarch before it hits the pan, you will not be sorry.

Chillin' with some ice in her food net.  Love the foot.  The little little loves to "help" Mama in the kitchen, keeps me on my toes!

Sending Love,
Twin A


  1. Awww...Jenny, I MISS YOU. You are such a fabulous mom. (tear.) You really are! I am sending you a GIANT hug, wishing it was in person. What an amazing year your family has had...MERRY MERRY Christmas! XOXO

  2. I can't beleive that's Sadie! She's such a big girl!
