Monday, October 4, 2010

Spicy Chili over Corn Waffles

We spent our Sunday morning at the annual Ithaca Apple Festival.  The whole of downtown was closed off and the streets were filled with fun and families.  Apples, pumpkins, fun finds, shopping and of course fair food.  "We" I mean me, forgot to put the battery in our camera, so not a lot of pictures.  We used Daddy's phone once we remembered it had a camera, so the quality is okay.  At least we got to capture our big little's first caramel apple.  Heaven sent!  Mama and the little little wore our fall sweaters and were super cozy.

When we got home, I had already put some chili on in the crock pot.  Which made our house all warm and toasty.  It also left a tiny bit of time right before dinner to do a little experimenting.  A friend of mine told me about a Waffle restaurant downtown where her hubby ordered chili over a corn waffle.  Sounded pretty good to me and our big little is addicted to corn muffins right now.  We all know how crumbly and messy they can get, so I thought it would be fun to try at home.  I pulled out the old standard Jiffy mix, not sure if you can get it in Canada.  Followed the directions on the box to make the waffles and not the muffins.  In an effort for full disclosure, please be aware that it took me two boxes of mix to make 3 and a half decent waffles.  Sure wasn't easy with my waffle iron.  By the end though, we had a good result.  I would suggest that you plan ahead for a few "sticky" waffles.  Make sure to spray your waffle iron!
Sending Love,
Twin A

This recipe is adapted from "The Rest of the Best" book, from the Best of Bridge Series.

6 oz italian sausage links
2 cups chopped onion
1 cup chopped green pepper
8 garlic cloves, minced
1 lb ground beef
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
2 TBSP chili powder
2 TBSP brown sugar
1 TBSP ground cumin
3 TBSP tomato paste,  I just use a whole small can, no waste!
1 tsp dried oregano
S&P to taste
2 Bay leaves
1 1/4 cup red wine (merlot) or beef stock
2-28 oz cans of whole tomatoes with juice, chopped
2-14 oz cans kidney beans, drained

For the top:  sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped green onions
For the bottom: corn waffles (worth the effort!)  xxoo

Heat large pot over medium-high heat.  Remove casings from sausage.  Add sausage, onion, green pepper, garlic, beef and jalapeno to pot.  Cook until meat is browned.  Stir to crumble.  At this point, if you are making this ahead, transfer to a crock pot.  Add everything else to the pot.  Bring to a boil.  Cover and reduce heat and simmer for one hour, stirring occasionally.  Uncover and cook for 30 min, stirring occasionally.  If using crock pot, cook on high until bubbling, then reduce to low.  The longer it simmers the better it is!  Discard bay leaves.
To serve: Pour chili over corn waffle, garnish with sour cream, cheddar cheese and green onions.  Serves 8-10.